A couple of problems plague the internet as it currently exists. Bulk surveillance by nation-states unchecked and uncheckable by the citizenry subjected to said surveillance. Corporate monopolistic power and the abuses that arise from such power. These problems have arisen in part due to the underlying architecture of the internet. The server/client structure that informs all goings-on online lends itself to surveillance and unequal distributions of data and power. Perhaps these problems could be solved within the structural confines of the existing internet, but this draft assumes it is better to construct a new internet with architecture intentionally oriented towards alleviating these problems.
The goal of this first draft is twofold. First, it is intended to prompt readers to look past the conversations currently going on. Lots of discussion has occurred lately about new platforms on the existing internet, proposed reforms to reign in the corporations that run the existing internet, etc., as though the internet we have is the only internet we can have. Second, it is intended to prompt feedback and criticism from topic experts (hardware, software, networking, etc.) to improve, clarify, and correct the ideas contained in this draft to the point that software standards and protocols can be written and working node-modem prototypes can be built.
The next internet will be a network of decentralized node-modems. Individuals, households, businesses, organizations, etc. will possess one or more node-modem(s). User devices will utilize wired and/or wireless connections to the node-modem under new and/or existing wired and/or wireless connection standards (CAT5/6, 802.11n/ac, etc.). Node-modems will also utilize wired and/or wireless connections to other node-modems under new and/or existing wired and/or wireless connection standards. Node-modems will also utilize storage devices like solid state drives (SSDs) as well as RAM and CPU(s) to run the node-modem software. Software within each node-modem will handle traffic generated by end users and traffic generated by the network itself. Software will also manage the contents of the storage device(s) on each node-modem.
The node-modem software will handle the following tasks:
A. Receive file requests and fulfill those requests,
B. Accept new files into the network,
C. Optimize the distribution of files across the network.
D. Handle removal of illegal or unwanted files
E. Data security
A. At this stage there are two potential versions of how the software functions to deliver requested files to the end user or other node-modems.
1. When a request is transmitted to a node-modem, the software in the node-modem first checks it’s storage for the requested file(s). If the file(s) are present, the node-modem transmits them to the user or node-modem that made the request. If the file(s) are not present, the node-modem transmits the request to the other node-modems it is connected to. Those node-modems each perform the same two steps:
a. Check for the requested file(s) in storage and fulfill the request if the file(s) are found. Or,
b. pass the request along to other connected node-modems.
Once the request reaches a node-modem with the requested file(s) in storage, the file is transferred from the host node-modem to the requesting node-modem which will fulfill the request to another node-modem or user device.
NOTE- In this version, the software is “dumber” and blindly scatters file requests across the network. An advantage of this is the relative anonymization of file locations and request originations. However, a solution is needed for “request cascade” ie: once the requested file(s) have been found and are being forwarded towards the original requesting node-modem, how do you stop the requests that are transmitting from node-modem to node-modem elsewhere in the network not along the path of request fulfillment?
2. When a request is transmitted to a node-modem, the software in the node-modem knows if the requested file(s) are located in its storage and if not, it knows which node-modems have the file(s) in storage and transmits the request to (or toward) the nearest node-modem with the file. Whether from local storage or another node-modem, the requested file(s) are transmitted by the node-modem to the user’s device or node-modem that sent the request.
NOTE- In this version, the software is “smarter” because it knows file node-modem locations. The question arises “how” the software knows file node-modem locations, how much bandwidth and processing power is needed to upkeep this “knowledge” (given that file node-modem locations are constantly changing), and how difficult it is to access and exploit this “knowledge” by bad actors.
As this is a first draft, it is not necessary to specify which version of the software will be utilized. That will be determined by which problem (request cascade or file node-modem location) is easier and more efficient to solve.
B. The software will utilize a blockchain-based ledger for indexing every file uploaded to the internet. Each time a user uploads a file, the software will create a new entry in the ledger. As part of this process a unique identifier will be assigned to the file. Once the ledger has been updated (near instantaneously, ledger updates are highest priority communication between node-modems) any user on the new internet will be able to request the file with the file’s unique identifier.
Initially a newly uploaded file will reside only on the uploading user’s own node-modem. Quickly the software will pass it along to other connected node-modems in an attempt to fulfill its optimization aims. At each new node-modem the file arrives at, the software will pass it to other connected node-modems disseminating the file across the network. At some interval the software will save the file to storage in some of the node-modems on the network.
C. The software is also permanently engaged in an attempt to optimize the distribution of all files across the network. Each new file added to the network upends the balance the software is trying to achieve. The software will balance storing files on as many node-modems as storage capacity permits, and as evenly distributed around the network as possible. The goal being to maximize redundancy and resiliency on the network and limit ping between any given user and any particular requested file. Within a sufficiently large network new files being added to the network will come in so quickly the software will constantly be shuffling files back and forth between node-modems.
D. The software will also enable a node-modem’s owner to utilize the unique identifier generated by the ledger to prohibit any particular file from being stored on that node-modem. This local prohibition list enables each node-modem owner to prevent their node-modem from storing content which is illegal or otherwise reprehensible to the owner.
Should a vast majority (the author suggests something like 90% or 95%) of node-modems have a particular file placed on their prohibition lists, that file could either be removed automatically from the ledger (and therefore the network), or users could be prompted to vote to remove the file from the ledger and network. The goal here is to prevent only the most objectionable and illegal content from persisting on the network while leaving in place content that is merely unpopular or controversial or offensive.
E. The software will utilize the strongest encryption possible for both storage and transmission. Each node-modem’s storage drive(s) will be encrypted such that it is difficult-to-impossible to determine the contents of the storage drive(s) even with physical access to the drive(s). Likewise the requests and transfers between node-modems and user devices will be encrypted as will requests from one node-modem to another.
Additionally, the software will make no distinction between requests from one node-modem to another originating from a user connected to the node-modem versus requests originating from another connected node-modem. Meaning, should an observer successfully crack the encrypted communication between node-modem “A” and node-modem “B”, the observer will not be able to tell if a request sent from “B” to “A” was prompted by a user connected to node-modem “B” or if the request came from node-modem “C”, “D”, or “F” and “B” is simply passing the request along to “A”. This means user generated traffic is more or less anonymized alongside other user’s traffic and the optimization traffic generated by the software itself.
NOTE- By distributing files across a decentralized storage network, the next internet makes it virtually impossible for people or platforms to be censored or removed. There can be no deplatforming or denial of hosting services when everyone is providing and sharing hosting services through their node-modems.
NOTE- As this is a first draft it does not describe all the software that will be necessary to fully emulate the existing internet on this decentralized framework. Additional protocols will need to be established before the next internet’s equivalents of “websites”, “livestreams”, etc. can occur. This document seeks only to establish the foundation of decentralized file sharing and hosting that additional capabilities can be built on top of. The Interplanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol for hosting and accessing files in a decentralized manner on the existing internet. It could serve as a solid jumping-off point in the development of the software for the next internet.
Each node-modem will consist of one or more storage devices, a processor, RAM, means for wired and/or wireless communication with other node-modems, and means for wired and/or wireless communication with user devices. (PCs, smartphones, etc.) The size, scale, and capability of individual node-modems will vary widely. An SSD drive, a raspberry pi, and an antenna could constitute a small but fully functional node-modem, while a data center with a massive antenna could form a large node-modem. A constellation of node-modem satellites could be placed in orbit around Earth (or more likely Mars). Internet access will no longer be contracted through an internet service provider. Building or buying a node-modem will be the only barrier to entry. Individuals will own their internet connection outright through their possession of their node-modem.
Wired and wireless are the two options available. Connection between a node-modem and a user’s device could look much like it does with the current internet. Standard router/modems offer both wired and wireless connectivity. Its possible the same standards (CAT5/6, 802.11n/ac, etc.) could be used for communication between node-modems and user devices. However concern should be given to whether or not these standards are compromised by state surveillance capabilities. New standards may need to be developed for user device/node-modem communication.
New standards will likely need to be developed for node-modem to node-modem communication. Perhaps certain locations will see early mass adoption leading to neighbors stringing up or burying wired connections between their nodes. Eventually with widespread adoption of the new internet wired connection will become more feasible and commonplace, but in the beginning wireless communication will be the more likely option. A specific wireless standard proposal is beyond the scope of this draft, but some consideration can be given to the principles that should inform the development of a wireless standard.
Obvious considerations like bandwidth capacity, effective range, packet loss, and power consumption will all factor into the standard. But given how regulated wireless communication is in developed regions, legal concerns will be another important factor. This new internet will represent a substantial loss in surveillance capability to developed nation-states as well as a loss of data and dollars to the tech, telecom, & ISP corporations operating the infrastructure of the current internet. As such, it is almost guaranteed that any request for a frequency range to be allocated to this new internet will be denied by nation-state regulatory bodies.
A potential workaround is to utilize select frequencies within the citizen’s band frequency range. With 40 channels spaced (mostly) 10 kHz apart, perhaps node-modem to node-modem communication could take place on frequencies between the established CB channels without disrupting those channels. If that is not functional, it might also be possible to utilize certain channels or range(s) of channels that are going largely unused for traditional voice communication. While this avenue should be pursued, it may prove that the CB frequencies are poorly suited, or nation-states may prohibit use of the CB frequencies in this manner. It is possible that the first node-modems of the new internet will have to operate without express legal sanction. Great care must be given to ensure the frequencies used do not interfere with existing technologies and infrastructure.
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And maintain social media presences on Parler (currently offline) and Minds.